Born on June 14, 1992 in Kinshasa (R D Congo), Arsène Mpiana is a visual artist, photojournalist and teacher in the Department of Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts of Kinshasa. He graduated from the same institution (Master) in visual communication since 2019, holding a certificate in photography obtained after a two-year Master class, initiated by the Academy of Fine Arts of Kinshasa and the Network of European Cultural Institutions and Centers active in the DRC (Pole EUNIC DRC), implemented by the Goethe Institute of Kinshasa, sanctioned by a large group exhibition with John Fleethwood of Phototool as curator. Active on the Congolese art scene, Mpiana has benefited from other professional meetings such as the Master class on photography initiated by the collective Solidarité des Artistes pour le Développement Intégral (SADI), followed by a large exhibition-restitution at the Academy of Fine Arts of Kinshasa (2019). The same year, the artist exhibited off the 6th edition of the biennial of Lubumbashi, as part of the restitutions of the workshop Picha. In 2020, he exhibited at the 5th edition of Lubumbashi photo and the 7th International Film Festival of Kinshasa. With the SADI collective, still in 2020, he was able to show his talents during the exhibition and restitution concerning the master class of artistic video at the art center Mont des Arts in Kinshasa. To his credit, two certificates from the Vii Academy obtained at the end of a master class led by Eric Bouvet and Thomas Freteur. As a photojournalist, Arsène is a freelancer for Der Spiegel, Jeune Afrique, Agence France Press, New York Times and Libé